Saturday, August 10, 2019

Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Public Relations - Essay Example This study examines the public relations campaign used by Cafe Royal with a view to identifying how public relations is conducted in practice and how theory is adopted to this practice. This research can therefore explain and expound on theory and theory development in public relations and its coordination with marketing communications. The results of the study are discussed with reference to previous studies and public relations theory. Recommendations are made. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Research Questions 5 Significance of the Study 6 Aim and Objectives 6 A Review of Literature 7 Public Relations Theory 7 Previous Studies: Coordinating Public Relations and Marketing Strategies 12 Methodology 15 Case Study 15 Data Collection 17 Results 18 Background and History 18 Public Relations 18 Analysis/Discussion 22 Recommendations 27 Conclusion 28 Bibliography 30 Introduction Public relations refers to communication techniques used by an organization to manage its image and relationship with the public. In this regard, the public includes government, the community and the external environment generally (Hendrix & Hayes, 2010). Thus, public relations can be distinguished from marketing where the focus is narrowed to selling the organization and its products and services to consumers. Public relations is broader and contemplates the organization’s image and relationships with a number of different factions of the public. However, public relations can be incidental to or part of a marketing function, particularly in the hotel industry (Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2003). The hotel and hospitality industry in general encompasses â€Å"diverse† public factions that they need to communicate with in any public relations programme (Deuschl, 2006, p. 24). The public factions important to hotels are employees, the community in which they operate, the international community and guests (Deuschl, 2006). According to Hutton (1999), the dimensions, natur e and definition of public relations is not clearly defined in the literature as there is no real consensus of what it is and how it works in practice. Regardless, there are a number of important themes emerging in the literature that provide a clearer focus of what public relations involve. The common themes are: trust building, generating interests and attention, building relationships, â€Å"creating mutual understanding†, expressing and modifying interests, â€Å"influencing public opinion†, tempering tensions, and â€Å"creating consensus† (Nessmann, 1995, p. 154). The definition and dimensions of public relations are particularly important to the hotel sector as research typically explores the link between hotel image and customer loyalty/customer satisfaction (Line & Runyan, 2012; Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2003). In this regard, public relations theory which focuses on the link between relationship management and the achievement of organizational goals pr ovides a conceptual framework for understanding and identifying how public relations can be used to retain and recruit customers in any sector (Ledingham, 2006). Current examples of public relations in practice provides the best evidence of what public relations are and how they are conducted in practice (Hendrix & Hayes, 2010). Therefore, in order to identify and provide an understanding of the link between public

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